What's the link between the clitoris and sexuality?

Quel lien entre clitoris et sexualité ?

When we launched the Elia brand, we didn't know much about the real shape and purpose of the clitoris. Despite our open-mindedness, we had never read an article or book about the clitoris. For the past two years, a feminist wave on Instagram has been shedding some light on the subject, and honestly, it feels good!

Who discovered the clitoris?

It was in 1559 that the existence of the clitoris was discovered by Mateo Ronaldo Colombo. This Italian physician was the first to dissect and study the clitoris. He was also the first to discover that this organ is solely intended for pleasure, and that its erection is comparable to that of a penis.

In 1998, the clitoris was rediscovered by Australian Helen O'Connell, who discovered its anatomy.

In 2020, the clitoris is still a little-known organ, and according to a 2016 report by the Haut Conseil à l'égalité entre les hommes et les femmes, one in four 15-year-old girls doesn't know she has a clitoris, and 83% of girls are even unaware of its unique erogenous function.

What is the anatomy of the clitoris?

The clitoris is an erectile and erogenous organ of the female genital tract. It consists of a glans, located at the junction of the labia minora, inside the vulva. On average, the glans measures less than a centimetre, and is more or less covered by a cap, i.e. a layer of skin that covers it. But the most important part of the clitoris is internal, measuring between nine and eleven centimetres. It consists of a shaft and two roots.

Like the penis, the clitoris can become erect on arousal by filling with blood. It contains an average of 8,000 to 10,000 nerves (compared with an average of 3,000 to 4,000 for the penis), making it a highly erogenous zone. This organ therefore has a major role to play in female pleasure.

What's the link between the clitoris and sexuality?

The clitoris is the only organ designed solely to provoke pleasure. Whether stimulated by the glans or during penetration, the clitoris is the source of all female orgasms. In fact, the inner part of the clitoris surrounds the vagina, making it the source of "vaginal orgasms". In reality, there are no clitoral or vaginal orgasms, but rather internal or external clitoral orgasms. The famous "G-spot" is the point of contact between the base of the clitoris and the vagina.

Nevertheless, the clitoris has a hard life. Admitting that women can experience pleasure in ways other than penetration calls into question the man's place, until recently, at the center of the sexual act. The revolution of the late 60s restored the clitoris to its rightful place, but there's still a long way to go.

We have to admit that today, less than one woman in five reaches orgasm through penetration alone, and that for three quarters of them, stimulating the clitoris is an absolute condition for orgasm.

Perhaps it's time to question the sexual models that still prevail today and demystify the sacrosanct notion of penetration, giving the clitoris back the place it deserves. In particular, we need to start educating people at school about what this little-known organ looks like and what it's used for.

So take good care of your clit, at least we do with our organic cotton menstrual panties!

If you want to learn even more about the clitoris, watch @jemenbatsleclito's video directed by brut :

You can also check out her instagram account as well as @d'orgasme_et_moi, @jouissance.club, @gangduclito, @tasjoui, @mercibeaucul_, @mydearvagina, ...

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