Testimonial: how to de-demonize the periods?

Témoignage : comment dédiaboliser les règles ?

Christine is a 36-year-old lover of life who defines herself with many labels. An artist, personal development coach and trainer, she is also present on Instagram with a personal page @christinerotsen and a page dedicated to interviews @lifeeverywhere_media.

But Christine is also one of our customers, and not only! She was selected among others to be an Elia lingerie model for a photo shoot. Indeed, at Elia lingerie, we've always been keen to feature our own customers in our shoots. With the idea that THEY were the best representatives of the brand and its values. We felt it was our duty to showcase every body type, every morphology, every singular career path and every magnificent woman.

So today, Christine takes a good-humored look back at her job, her relationship with menstruation, and what Elia lingerie has changed for her. Elia lingeriemenstrual panties . But she also gives us her little life lesson.

What's a session with you like?

"A session with me lasts between 1h and 1h30. There's a lot of exploration, because what I'm actually doing is not counseling. I don't advise, I don't live life in people's shoes, in fact. So what I do in exploration is really to go and understand how the person sees life, what is their representation of reality? And then we work with different tools, from my toolbox, and the idea is that when I feel blocked in my life, it's because I have a representation of my reality that's blocking me. So my job, as a coach, is to go and find out, to shine a little light on the places that are in the person's shadow, and to say to them, "This is how you see life, what do you want to do, what do you want to change? And that's when change takes place, so we're really talking about beliefs: what do I believe? What do I see? And when I switch my beliefs, it's going to change my behavior, my way of dealing with others, my relationship with myself, my environment, etc. But it's really at the level of the mind. But it really happens at the level of my perception of life."

What's your main activity?

"Right now, here's what's happening, is that I'm very active on Instagram. It's a medium I really like, I have a lot of fun on it. There's the visual, at the same time the text and so on. So what I do on Instagram: I have two accounts, there's my personal account @christinerotsen. Right now I'm doing a series called "Master your energy", so every Tuesday I launch a little episode with a personal development key to mastering your energy. And there's an account on which I do interviews, called @lifeeverywhere_media. On this Instagram, every Monday I do an interview with an inspirational person who comes to tell the story of their life, in fact. So who comes to tell their life story, their vision of things, what they transmit, what they embody. And why? First of all, I'm really keen to give people the space to express themselves, which brings us back to the notion of self-expression, and because I find that in the idea of listening to testimonials, well, sometimes you can get answers for yourself. It's not always about coaching or personal development, but sometimes people really are inspiring. The main message I pass on, the bottom line, is really to get to know yourself. Life is a tool for self-knowledge, and the more I get to know myself, the more I can align myself in my life."

What's your relationship with your period?

"I've already had my periodxtagstartzspan style="font-weight: 400;"> very early. I don't know, maybe when I was 10 and a half. Well, I think it's early. And I think I had them and I knew what menstruation was all in all, but I was going through it. At that age I had it. I think I was subjected to it for a long time, because I think we are, or were (and this is changing), in a society that demonizes periods, blood and so on. So I think that for quite a few years I was subjected to it, and I was also in pain. And then, above all, I learned about my cycle, I got informed. I also got to know myself at that point, we're coming back to self-knowledge. And so I understood that my cycle lasted a certain number of days, that the energies of each day were different, and that if I adapted my schedule to my cycle, it might be more pleasant to live. I also realized that 3 days before I felt like eating lots of sugar and cakes, and now I do it and I don't feel guilty. So, in fact, now I'm living my cycle better. Then, on menstruation days, there are the symptoms you can expect, extreme tiredness and so on. But my professional career means I can adapt my schedule to that. And I've de-demonized this idea of blood, of "it's dirty, help me! No, in fact, it's life expressing itself, that's what it's all about. And I think that, in fact, every month I thank my body for functioning, in the end."

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