White discharge, also known as leucorrhoea, is cervical mucus produced by cells in the cervix, vagina and certain bacteria in the vagina, due to the action of estrogen. These discharges are natural, odorless and present in all women of childbearing age. They vary in texture and quantity from one woman to another, depending on her menstrual cycle.
In general, they are translucent or whitish: this means that the genital organs are functioning well. They enable the vagina to clean itself, protect itself from bacteria, lubricate itself naturally and facilitate the ascent of spermatozoa into the cervix, in the event of procreation.
Since white discharge is present throughout the intimate life of women of childbearing age, and its presence is due to female hormones, it is logical that it should disappear with the onset of menopause and the drop in estrogen hormone levels. However, some post-menopausal women still notice their presence.
What causes white discharge during menopause?
It may be normal to still experience white discharge after the menopause, but it's important to determine its origins and to pay attention to the symptoms associated with it. White discharge is generally much less abundant, more liquid and transparent.
If white discharge persists, it may be due to an infection or senile athrophic vaginitis.
- If your discharge is abundant, coloured and/or malodorous, it's probably infectious vaginitis. As hormones diminish and the vaginal walls thin, the balance of the environment is weakened, making it easier for bacteria to thrive. Several agents may be responsible for this infection: a parasite transmitted sexually (discharge is greenish/greyish and bubbly). It is treated with metronidazole. Vaginitis can also be due to the development of a yeast that is naturally present in the vagina (the white discharge then has a "curdled milk" appearance). A final cause may be the development of bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus.
To determine which agent is responsible for the infection, a secretion sample is taken and microbiologically analyzed.
- Vaginal atrophy, also known as senile atrophic vaginitis. This condition is due to estrogen deficiency. Vaginitis can be detected by a number of symptoms. In addition to purulent discharge, senile atrophic vaginitis will: cause reduction of the vulvar orifice, vaginal dryness vaginal drynesspain during intercourse.
Treatment is based on the prescription of hormone substitutes: orally or locally, by inserting an ovule into the vagina.
In more serious cases, discharge may be indicative of vaginal or uterine cancer. In fact, liquid vaginal discharge (water), known as hydrorrhea, or bloody discharge, can reveal lesions of the cervix, the endometrium (the mucous membrane lining the walls of the uterus) or the fallopian tubes. They can take the form of polyps, fibroids, pre-cancerous lesions or lesions already at the cancer stage. In all cases, they should prompt a consultation with a gynecologist to determine the cause of the lesions.
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Buenas tardes…yo recibí un tratamiento oncológico de quimios, radio y braquiterpias la regla se me fue y hace dos meses empecé a tomar estrógenos conjugados y e visto como un desecho blanco cremoso..me gustaría saber si es normal
Hace un mes q no me baja tengo 46 años. Hubo unos días q me agarraba calores y de noche transportaba ya no. Espero su respuesta
Tengo demasiado flujo y párese Todos días y cada rato es normal
Deje de mestruar hace cuatro meses pero me sale un flujo blanco espeso y aveces se torna amarillo
Ni última regla fue a los 54 años los 55 fueron perfectos ninguno problema de lubricacion ,ni ánimo etc,pero empecé con el tiempo a sentirme triste por cualquier motivo ,sin lograr dormir por las noches aumento la ansiedad y la pena más continua ,y la tristeza al día, luego de esto se fueron hacer vida mis hijos ,puntos más menopausia, el nido vacío,pregunta esto pasa ,aume ta ,se puede sobrellevar