When does the first period arrive?

Quand les premières règles arrivent-elles ?

When is the first period?

The first menstrual period is quite difficult to predict, but occurs about 2 years after the first signs of puberty, around age 11 to 13 on average. However, they can arrive at any time between the ages of 8 and 18, so there's no need to worry if your period comes later or earlier. Every person is different and every body has its own biological rhythm. That's why some of your friends may have already had their periods, while others haven't yet.

You can ask your mom, sisters, grandmothers or aunts when their periods arrived, as this can be a good clue to anticipate your own. A period is simply a small amount of blood slowly trickling out of your vagina, and that's perfectly normal!

It may seem impressive at first, but it's the natural workings of a woman's body.

You can be prepared by always having something in your bag to absorb your period blood, such as sanitary pads or your Elia menstrual panties, especially if you're bothered by white discharge.

You'll know your first period has arrived if you find small spots of blood (pink, red or brown) in your panties. It's important to know that the first periods are generally very variable and irregular. At first, they can last from 1 to 10 days, and can occur every month or every two to three months!

It can take up to 2 years for your periods to settle into a rhythm. While you're getting used to their arrival, it's perfectly normal for you to sometimes stain your sheets or underwear: don't hesitate to ask your parents for help and they'll show you how to clean them.

Good luck!

The Elia team

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En pleines vacances d’été. Je vais au toilette et je vois que j’ai des taches dans le fond de ma culotte. Je crie de stupeur et ma mère qui prends le temps de m’expliquer comment ça fonctionne et comment utiliser une serviette.. Je la remercierai jamais assez car je savais même pas ce que c’était réellement 😌


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J’appelle ma mère, qui envoie ma sœur évidemment, qui retourne en gueulant dans le salon que j’ai mes règles. Et là les parents débarquent, je suis à poil, gênée de se débarquement dans mon intimité pour au final avoir le droit de porter les super serviettes ultra absorbantes de ma mère!


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