Period pimples: put an end to hormonal acne!
It's the same story every month! Pimples appear on your face, and you guess that your period will start in the next few days. But where does this hormonal acne come from, and how can you limit the appearance of blemishes as your period approaches?
Where do menstrual pimples come from?
Menstrual pimples or cysts on the face generally appear a few days before the onset of menstruation, due to the hormonal variations the body undergoes. Indeed, acne problems that occur during the menstrual cycle are often referred to as menstrual skin.
Hormonal acne
You may have thought that acne was restricted to the teenage years, but think again! Although it's very common during puberty, due to major hormonal changes, acne can also affect adults. This is known ashormonal acne, and is particularly common among menstruating women between the ages of 25 and 40, a few days to a week before the onset of menstrual flow. However, acne can occur at any time of the year when hormones are fluctuating, such as during pregnancy or the menopause. Hormone levels influence the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands, which is directly linked to the appearance of cysts and comedones before the period.
How do hormones influence menstrual pimples?
In the body, male hormones or androgens, mainly represented by testosterone and produced in small quantities in women, and female hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, work in a complex balance.
Male hormones have a negative effect on the sebaceous glands, increasing sebum production. Female hormones, on the other hand, are beneficial to your skin's texture. As you approach your menstrual period, estrogen levels drop, altering the hormonal balance in favor of androgen hormones, which encourage the appearance of blemishes!
Not to be confused with everyday pimples
Hormonal acne is not to be confused with everyday pimples, blackheads or other comedones you may have when you're not menstruating, or with teenage acne.
They're located on the chin or around the mouth
They're generally painful, due to inflammation under the skin
Breakouts are recurrent and cyclical, in line with your menstrual cycle
They can also appear when you're under stress.
How to limit period pimples on the face?
Here are a few tips to prevent those unsightly pimples from appearing on your skin before your period, and minimize the impact of hormonal variations on the condition of your skin.
Choose non-greasy moisturizing products
The golden rule is to avoid using skin care products that are too greasy! They regulate your skin's natural sebum, which then becomes excessively oily, leading to cysts, blackheads, clogged pores, etc.... Choose light moisturizing products that don't leave a greasy or oily film on the skin.
Use non-comedogenic make-up and cleanse your face thoroughly
In the same spirit, to let your skin breathe, don't use occlusive make-up, such as foundations that are too opaque and comedogenic, which could promote uneven skin texture and clog pores. And don't forget to use make-up remover, with gentle cleansing morning and night.
How to cure and treat menstrual acne naturally?
In addition to an impeccable skincare and make-up routine, a healthy diet and exercise regime can do your skin a world of good!
A diet low in sugar and fat
Chocolate, cold meats... in short, fatty and sweet products are notorious for encouraging the appearance of pimples, let alone increasing their presence tenfold during menstruation. We therefore eliminate overly rich foods and favor fruits and vegetables during this phase of the cycle.
Applying Tea Tree oil
Tea Tree essential oil is known for its antibacterial and purifying properties: take advantage of these benefits to apply it to your blemishes, especially before they get too big, with a drop on a cotton bud. It helps reduceacne inflammation by drying out comedones, and prevents small breakouts on your skin! In 48 to 72 hours, the inflammation will be reabsorbed with a daily application.
Sport to regulate hormones
Sporting activities help combat stress and tension, and avoid accentuating the hormonal variations already present during a woman's menstrual cycle. Stress causes the body to produce cortisol, which in turn stimulates the production of testosterone, responsible for excess sebum produced by the sebaceous glands.
Sport, and in particular perspiration, helps to evacuate toxins and cleanse the skin! As well as being very good for your health, it boosts the immune system and reduces inflammation in acne-prone skin. So, perspiring and oxygenating through regular exercise is the key to a glowing face, with dewy, fresher skin. Remember, too, to drink plenty of water after exercise, especially as water helps to keep skin looking beautiful.
Be careful, however, when exercising outdoors: protect yourself from the sun's UV rays, because while they may temporarily give the impression of clearing up your blemishes, acne usually comes back stronger afterwards!
The pill will also tend to reduce acne, but this is only temporary with the hormonal change. Once the pill is stopped, acne may return.
What to do in case of severe menstrual acne?
If your skin problems are affecting your quality of life, or if the acne is severe, don't hesitate to seek advice from a dermatologist, who will be able to guide you towards more effective drug treatments.
Period pimples FAQ
How do I get rid of menstrual pimples?
When your pimples have broken through or inflammation has appeared under your skin, remember to gently cleanse your skin in the morning and evening, remembering to disinfect your hands. Applyingtea tree essential oil will also reduce your skin's inflammation and discomfort, and prevent blackheads from breaking through. Black cumin oil is also an excellent acne-fighting ally! Natural plants and treatments are full of secrets!
Why do I get pimples before my period?
During your period, skin problems can occur around the mouth and chin: this ishormonal acne! It's a question of the body's balance between male androgen hormones, such as testosterone, and female hormones, such as estrogen. As menstruation approaches, estrogen levels drop, leaving more room for male hormones, which activate sebum production.