Tips for putting a diaper on your baby!

In collaboration with Rokiyah Hosen

Relecture professionnelle

Changing diapers is a step that young parents can't escape. However, when you've never changed a diaper before, it's not aninstinctive gesture. In this article, we take you through the steps and give you our advice on how to change a diaper.

How to put your baby's diaper on properly

Before you start, make sure you have all your materials to hand. During the diaper-changing process, make sure your baby is under your watchful eye, with one hand always on the table: even a second's inattention could cause him to fall and hurt himself badly.

Position the diaper the right way round

The first step is to position the diaper in the right direction. After placing baby on his or her back, remove the used diaper and dispose of it in the garbage can, making sure to seal it with the adhesive strips on the sides.

Then clean baby's bottom. Then grab your little one by the ankles and gently lift his legs up to his lower back, so you can slip on a clean diaper. How do I know if it's the right way round?

Diapers have colored markings which must be positioned on the front, face up.

Then, simply slip the diaper between your baby's legs and place it on your baby's tummy.

Take the two flaps on the sides of the diaper to lift them up and stick the tape over them .

Tighten the diaper to prevent leaks

For prevent leaksTo avoid leaks, it's important to position the di aper correctly and tighten it sufficiently . To check that the diaper is tight enough, simply look to see if you can easily fit two fingers between the diaper and your child's stomach . Another indication: the flaps should be roughly symmetrical. To avoid leaks, also turn the leg cuffs outwards.

Make sure baby is comfortable

Make sure your baby is comfortable, checking that the diaper is not too tight, that he doesn't seem to mind pulling on it, etc., and that there are no red marks, a sign that the diaper is too tight. It is possible that baby may cry during changing because he's in an uncomfortable situation.

What accessories are needed to put on your baby's diaper?

For changing a diaperYou'll need a lot more than just diapers! Here's a list of accessories you can install in your diaper changing bag or under your changing table.

  • The changing table: these are specially designed to help you change your baby. You can also store all your diaper-changing essentials in the table's drawers and shelves: very practical! Prefer models with edges on the sides, to prevent your baby from falling when turning over;
  • Changing mat: to be placed directly on the table. Some are equipped with a safety belt to prevent your baby from falling off. But this is no substitute for constant supervision. There are also portable mattress models for use when you're out for a walk with baby;
  • A towel or blanket can totally replace a changing table, especially when you're out and about;
  • A diaper garbage can: having a special garbage can for your baby's diapers helps avoid unpleasant odors in other rooms of the house;
  • Wipes: when you change your baby's diaper, you need to clean your little one's bottom too;
  • Protective cream or ointment: diapers can irritate your baby's bottom, and some babies develop diaper rash. To prevent this, it's best to use a repairing/protecting cream or a liniment oléo-calcaire for baby.

How do I know if the diaper is the right size?

To know if your baby's diaper is the right sizethere are several things to consider:

  • When the diaper is on, you should be able to put two fingers between baby's tummy and the diaper's waistband;
  • The diaper should stop just below the navel;
  • Your baby's bottom is well covered by the diaper, without any holes;
  • If your baby has red marks when you change his diaper, it meansit's too tight or too big;
  • If the adhesives don't reach the center of the diaper, the diaper is too small.

Our tips for diapering baby

Diaper-changing can be a stressful experience when your baby is used to being restless. Here are our tips and things to remember when changing a diaper.

Wash your hands before changing

Before any diaper change, remember to wash your hands to prevent the spread of bacteria.

Take time with baby and keep him occupied

The older your baby gets, the more difficult it will be to keep him still and calm on his table. To make this time as pleasant as possible, we recommend that you provide your child with something to keep him occupied. This could be a toy, or another object he hasn't yet discovered. You can place it on top of your baby to keep him lying on his back.

Instead of taking this moment as a chore, take the opportunity to take your time (even if this is obviously not always possible), playing and chatting with baby to make it a pleasant moment of sharing. It can even become a ritual.

Clean and moisturize baby's bottom

When you change your baby's diaper, you also need to clean the area that was covered by the diaper, getting between the folds of skin. Use wipes.

Remember: always clean from front to back, to avoid spreading bacteria. Once your baby's bottom is dry, you can moisturize it with a special baby repair and protection cream.

This cream helps prevent the irritation that diapers can cause.

Diapering FAQs

How do I diaper a little boy?

To change a little boy's diaper, we recommend you follow the steps detailed at the beginning of this article. Be sure to place a diaper or bib over the baby's penis while you're changing him, to avoid urine landing on the wall or on you. Finally, remember to point the penis downwards before closing the diaper, to avoid leaks.

How do I diaper a little girl?

To change a baby girl's diaper, follow the same steps described at the beginning of this article. For a baby girl in particular, be sure to wipe from front to back to avoid urinary tract infections. Don't forget to wash between the skin folds.

Which way to put a diaper on a baby?

The colored markings on diapers should help you position the diaper in the right direction. They should be facing you, on the front of the diaper.