How do you learn potty training with Montessori teaching methods?

In collaboration with Rokiyah Hosen

Relecture professionnelle

Montessori principles are based on caring parenting, positive education and respect for the baby's development cycle. These benevolent rules can be applied to all areas of a child's development: when learning to walk, to talk, during food diversification... and even when going to the toilet.

Why choose the Montessori approach to potty training?

TheMontessori approach is based on the child's natural development cycle, without forcing the child to go through important stages. We often think that children need to be potty-trained before they can go to school. Butpotty training takes time. There's no point in rushing to potty train your child on the eve of the new school year.

The Montessori approach respects baby's learning cycle.

When to start potty training with the Montessori method?

Potty training begins as soon as a child is born. This may sound strange, but the idea is not to put your little one on the potty from birth, but rather to familiarize him with potty training as soon as he's a baby. This involves simple things, such as not telling your child he's dirty if he pees or simply gets wet.

If you start potty training your toddler at the age of 2 or 3, the age when they start going to school, it's likely to be more complicated, because at that age, children are in a period when they're constantly looking for ways to say no. It's normal, they're looking for ways to say no. It's normal, they're trying to assert themselves as individuals.

In concrete terms, how do you go about potty training from birth?

The truth is, it's a simple matter of putting things in place. For example, when you change his diaperFor example, when you change his diaper, name the different parts of his body and warn him before cleaning his private area, etc. The words you use are also very important. Don't tell your child he's dirty, for example.

When your little one is older, you'll need to make sure that baby is free in his clothes. It's also a good idea to involve your baby in choosing his own clothes. This will enable him to be more independent.

Don't hesitate to show your child when you're going to the toilet: you're an example to your little one, and if he sees you going to the toilet, it will be normal and logical for him togo when the time comes.

How can I prepare my child for potty training with Montessori?

To teach your child to potty train, there are a number of things to put in place and take into consideration:

First, observe your child

First of all, observe your child to detect sensitive periods. Sensitive periods are times when your baby is particularly sensitive to the world around him, to his environment, and is more inclined to learn.

There are several signs that may indicate that it's time to start potty training: if your child begins to take a long look at himself in the mirror, to undress by himself, but also to start asking to go to the toilet or, failing that, to report a leak, or if he shows an interest in the potty or toilet and appears embarrassed when relieving himself in his diaper.

Constant communication with your child

To help your baby make the most of this new stage in his development, the most important thing is to communicate with him.

Montessori education is based on caring, and you need to introduce potty training by discussing it with your child, for example, by reading books on the subject. If your baby encounters difficulties, talk to him to tell him that it's not serious and to play down the situation.

Create a playful space around potty training

Montessori pedagogy emphasizes the need to create distinct environments that the child can identify for each activity: bedtime, playtime, mealtime, etc., and the potty.

We recommend placing the potty in the toilet or bathroom, which will become a dedicated space for your little one, a suitable environment. Very important: the potty/changing area must be accessible to your baby so that he can become potty-trained.

With this environment created especially for his needs, as soon as your baby wants to go to the bathroom, he'll know where to go and be able to use the equipment on his own.

If your toilet has a removable reducer, leave it permanently on the toilet seat, as well as the step for access to the toilet.

You can also place books near the potty or toilet to make it more fun and encourage him to go.

Set up a routine and give him a choice

You can set up a routine with your child. The aim, of course, is not to force your toddler to relieve himself on the potty or toilet. To make the potty a habit, you can start by suggesting that he goes after every diaper change.

Then, you can ask him to go regularly throughout the day. If this potty or toilet time is established, it will be more natural for him to go to the potty. During this routine, don't set atime limit for your child to relieve himself: it's important that he doesn't have to hold back his sphincters or force himself.

Children have different notions of time. It's highly likely that your little one will spend a long time sitting on the toilet at first, then getting up and sitting down again. This is perfectly normal, as it's the way he learns the different stages of learning.

How can I create a potty training environment?

For your child to feel comfortable going potty, his environment needs to be well prepared. Here are some techniques to help you do just that:

Potty training accessories

Several accessories are available to make potty training easier for your child:

  • Adapters: these have a number of advantages, including the ability to use your own toilet.
  • The potty: it gives your toddler the advantage of having his feet on the ground, which is very reassuring for him.

Interactive games for baby

To make the moment more enjoyable and facilitate learning the Montessori pedagogy, you can provide your child with several accessories to help him/her:

  • The potty training chart The potty-training chart: to help children keep track of their progress. It's a fun activity to set up as part of a ritual;
  • The potty training games to have fun while learning. Games help children develop hygiene awareness and habits;
  • The potty training books Potty training books: to help your baby learn more about potty training and adopt a routine with his favorite characters. The visual support makes the concept of hygiene much more attractive, and the book can be read with mom or dad!

Training pants

To help with potty training, you can provide your child with training pants. These are washable pants with a layer of fabric dedicated to absorption, replacing conventional diapers that pollute the environment.

Another advantage: your little one will be able to tell if the diaper is wet if he's done his business in it.

What about night-time potty training with Montessori?

Potty training takes time to become a habit. The child first learns to be clean during the day, then during naps, and then at night. It can be difficult to pinpoint the moment when you can remove your baby's diapers. So you need to gradually starttoilet training at night.

But there are a few things that can tip you off: if you notice that your child is holding back longer than before, and when he or she comes back from a nap with a dry diaper. Of course: ask your child if he feels ready to take off the diaper during naptime, and then again at night.

How to deal with accidents and regression

Accidents and regression are perfectly normal and part of your child's learning process. If he doesn't want to go to the toilet or potty from one day to the next: don't worry, he'll come back on his own when he's fit again. This often happens when he's learning something else at the same time.

If your child has an "accident", instead of telling him that he's dirty or that it's not a good idea, you shouldencourage and console him, and suggest that he change on his own by inviting him to clean up the puddle on the floor, for example.

Potty training FAQs

Who's behind Montessori pedagogy?

The Montessori method was invented by Maria Montessori, and aims to support the child's development cycle by giving him the means to learn on his own.

Is the Montessori method recognized and effective?

The Montessori method is the best-known worldwide.

Is the Montessori method suitable for all children?

It's possible to use the Montessori method for all children, because it's based on following each child's individual rhythm. The speed of learning depends on your baby's motor and psychomotor skills.