Acupressure and painful periods: how does it work?
For some menstruating people, periods bring their own set of symptoms and disorders: nausea, stomach ache, cramps, migraines. Certain acupressure points can help relieve painful periods. Between 50 and 90% of women suffer from dysmenorrhea, and regularly take painkillers. How to reduce period pain naturally?
What is acupressure for painful periods?
Acupressure, also called acupressure or digitopuncture, is a technique that resembles acupuncture without needles. Acupressure involves massaging certain areas of the body by applying pressure, a good way to relieve painful periods.
Like acupuncture, acupressure is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that has been around for over two thousand years. It can be used to treat a whole range of ailments, not just menstrual pain.
Is it an effective method for treating painful periods?
Researchers at the Medical University of Berlin have published a study showing that acupressure can be used at home, with good results for health and menstrual pain.
To prove that this method really works, the researchers divided women aged 18 to 34 into two groups. One group received advice, techniques and instructions on how to practice acupressure correctly, while the other received conventional treatment.
After just three months of acupressure practice, an estimated 37% of women experienced a reduction in menstrual pain (by half). Six months later, 60% of women observed that their periods were significantly less painful, whereas only 25% of those taking conventional treatment saw a reduction in pain.
As the above study shows, acupressure is a particularly effective method of reducing period pain. It relies on acupressure points to relieve painful periods. By pressing on the acupressure points, the body's energy flow is stimulated.
What are the acupressure points for painful periods?
There are several acupressure points for reducing the pain associated with menstrual flow.
- The Taichong point is located above the foot, more precisely two fingers below the big toe. There are three ways to work on this point: continuous pressure, circular massage or tapping.
- The lower Tian point is located 3 fingers below the navel. As with the previous point, you can activate it by pressing, massaging or tapping.
- The Sanyinjao point is located 4 fingers above the malleolus. It's located on the inside of the foot. You can activate it by making circular movements for 2 minutes.
Anemia linked to menstruation is quite common. It will cause symptoms that are more or less disabling in everyday life. If you're suffering from excessive menstrual flow, or even bleeding, consult your doctor! It may conceal an underlying pathology.