Choosing the right diaper size: buying guide

In collaboration with Rokiyah Hosen

Relecture professionnelle

From birth to around 2/3 years, your baby will need diapers. It's also during this period that your baby will grow and his diaper size will change. In fact, as your baby grows, you'll need to change diaper sizes regularly to keep them adapted to his morphology and to prevent leaks. What size should you choose for your baby? How do you know if you need to change to the next size? We answer all your questions in this article.

There are also size 0 diapers for babies weighing around 1 to 2 kg, who are generally premature or smaller babies. Not all brands make these sizes.

According to weight

To choose the right size of disposable diaper, you need to refer to your baby's weight and morphology.

As you can see from the chart, diaper sizes overlap. In fact, weight isn't the only reference you need to take into account when choosing your diapers. In fact, depending on your baby's morphology, the protection will no longer be suitable! For cloth diapers, take your baby's measurements.

According to size

Some babies weighing 5 kg will be comfortable in a size 2 diaper, while others will be perfectly uncomfortable in a size 3 diaper, or even in pants!

In case of doubt, if your baby falls between two sizes, it's best to take the next size up. Adjust your subscription regularly before you receive your pack.

Age is not the deciding factor when it comes to choosing the right diaper size for your baby's bottom. Every baby has his or her own body shape, and some are smaller than others.

After 3 years: training pants

After diapers, it's time to move on to the training pants for your baby. They're the perfect mix of a diaper and classic underwear for potty training.

It slips on like a pair of pants, but has a diaper-like absorbent fabric to keep your child dry until the next diaper change. As a result, your child gains greater freedom and is protected from all the little accidents of everyday life. This alternative is perfect for respecting the environment. Always check that the product is at least oeko tex certified.

How do I check that the diaper is the right size?

To make sure your diaper is the right size, here are a few things to consider:

  • When a diaper is the right size, the elastic waistband reaches below your navel;
  • On the legs, the elastic should be lightly tightened;
  • When it's time to remove your baby's diaper, if you notice red marks, it means the diaper is too small.

There are a number of things to bear in mind when choosing the right size diaper to avoid a whole host of unpleasant surprises. First of all, you need to make sure that your baby is neither too small, which could make marks on his skin and hinder his movements, nor too large, which could lead to stains and puddles :)

A tip for checking that your baby's diaper is the right size: simply check that you can fit two fingers between your baby's tummy and his diaper. If the fasteners cross, it also means that the diaper is too big, and conversely, if the fasteners are too far apart, it means that the diaper is too small and squeezes your baby too much.

As a general rule, if you don't notice any leaks, you've chosen the right size. Don't forget to update your delivery subscription!

When should I change my baby's diaper size?

As your baby grows, you'll need to change his or her diaper size. But when exactly should you change it?

There are several signs that tell you it's time to change to the next size up:

  • If you can no longer slip two fingers under the waistband of the diaper after putting it on your baby;
  • If your baby's bottom is not completely covered, you can switch to the next size up;
  • If you notice red marks on your baby's tummy or thighs, this means the diaper is too tight and you should choose the next size up;
  • If your baby is prone to diaper rash, your diapers are probably too small;
  • If your baby himself gives you the impression of being embarrassed by his diaper (for example, if he pulls on it);
  • If the diaper's adhesive elastics reach the center of the waistband.

For cloth diapers, as soon as your child is too dry or the liner no longer fills the waterproof space, it's time for a change! For working parents, consider buying a set.

How many diapers does baby use every day?

Babies use different numbers of diapers depending on their age. In fact, in the first few months of life, diapers need to be changed very regularly (every two hours or so), or after every bowel movement. It's very important to change your baby's diapers regularly, as this will help prevent diaper rash and other redness that may appear on your child's bottom and/or thighs.

It's estimated that, on average, during the first six months, diaper changes are very frequent, with around six to eight diapers used per day. This figure drops to five diapers a day between six months and a year, then to 3/4 diapers a day between one and two years, and finally to 2-3 until your child is potty-trained.

For your child's health and comfort, use organic, water-based diapers, whether disposable or washable. A list of options may be indicated on the birth list proposed by the parents.

For your child's health and to avoid irritation or infection, remember to wash or wipe your child before putting on a clean diaper. Choose liniment rather than wipes, which are too aggressive in their composition and characteristics. Certain liniment products act as repairing care products, whereas wipes dry out diaper bottoms and private parts. If you still need to use wipes, choose products with organic, oeko tex, water-based, organic or green, endocrine-disruptor-free and eco-friendly characteristics. A product often comes in a pack.

Is leakage linked to the size of the diaper?

Leaks can occur for a number of reasons:

  • If the diaper is too small or too large, i.e. the wrong size is chosen, leaks can occur;
  • If the chosen size is too small, the diaper won't be able to absorb all your baby's stool and urine;
  • If, on the other hand, the diaper is too large, leaks may occur, and stool and urine may leak from the sides, where the diaper is not tight enough;
  • If the leg elastics are not tight enough, leakage may also occur.

Which diaper size to choose at birth?

You have several options. Depending on your newborn's weight, a size 1 diaper may not be suitable at birth. Generally, the choice is between a size 1 or 2 diaper at birth for a full-term baby. If ultrasound scans show that your unborn child is in good health, consider buying size 2 diapers in anticipation.

In any case, even if your baby wears a size 1 in the maternity ward, this purchase won't be wasted, because sooner or later he'll have to change to the next size up. Don't hesitate to subscribe to one of your favorite brands: Pampers harmonie, peaudouce, petits culottés. Green diapers and subscription packs. No more mental workload thanks to our delivery service. Choose products made in France, designed in working conditions that protect the environment and your children's skin.

Diaper size FAQ

How can I find out the size of a diaper I've already bought?

Diaper sizes and all information on the materials used are indicated on the packets of diapers. You'll also find the average weight of a baby using these diapers, as well as the quantity in the pack. You'll also find the average weight of a baby who uses these diapers, as well as the quantity in the pack.

How do I know if I need to change the size of my baby's diapers?

Your baby grows in growth spurts. To find out when to change your baby's diapers, please refer to our diaper size guide. Signs such as red marks when changing diapers should indicate that the diapers have become too small.

How do I know if my baby's diaper is too small?

If, when you change your baby's diaper, you notice red marks on the buttocks, thighs or waistband of the diaper, this means that the diaper is too tight and therefore too small. If you also notice leaks, they may be due to a lack of absorption if the diaper is too small.

Factors to consider when choosing a diaper size

To choose the diaper that's most respectful of your child's body, make sure it has ecolabels such as: OEKO TEX Standard 100, FSC. For disposable diapers, use organic cotton and the healthiest absorbent fiber possible. 100% ecological diapers are hard to find. Favors made in France, which ensures good product traceability.

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