A bloated stomach during menstruation: what causes bloating?

Written by Marion Goilav

Relecture professionnelle

Who hasn't felt like putting on a few pounds and having a swollen lower abdomen as their period approaches? For many women, menstruation is a time of major hormonal changes. We explain why you feel bloated during menstrual bleeding!

Why is the stomach swollen during menstruation?

Menstruation is often a dreaded period, and it's possible to feel various complaintsSome women may experience headaches, migraines and chest pains. Some women experience nausea and, of course, the famous period stomachache.

A few days before your period, during the PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)it's possible to experience bloatingin the lower abdomen.
These discomforts and a bloated stomach during the menstrual period are manifested by :

  • From flatulence and foul-smelling gas
  • A pain in the lower abdomen
  • A heaviness in the stomach
  • A noisy digestive tract !

The main causes of stomach ache during menstrual flow are hormones !
Certain illnesses, such as endometriosis, can accentuate the swelling of the belly, or cause it to persist throughout the cycle. During the menopause, it's also more common to experience bloating due to hormonal changes.

The onset of bloating before menstruation

A few days before the onset of menstruation, after ovulationthe abdomen may begin to dilate. Contrary to what you may think at first sight, abdominal swelling does not come from the uterus, but from your digestive system and your intestines :) In fact, under the effect of hormones, in particular progesteronethe body relaxes and prepares for a possible pregnancy.. This is a particular period of premenstrual syndrome.

Swelling and bloating during menstruation

Before the periodunder the effect of increased progesterone production, the muscular tissues around the intestine slow down. As a result, intestinal transit accumulates gas and stool. Some women experience constipated and have stomach pains before menstruation.
Menstruation is a sign that theovum has not been fertilizedhormone levels drop and prostaglandins are released. They are responsible for uterine contractions which lead to menstrual cramps blood loss in the first few days. During menstruation, and in response to the action of hormones affect the colonwomen may experience diarrhea, farting and bloating.

Belly deflation after the period

Once menstruation is over, hormones diminish and the intestines return to normal function. The entire intestinal tract will regain its tone. The abdominal wall should then begin to deflate a few days after blood loss has stopped. If this is not the case, don't hesitate to contact a health professional who will also be able to tell you that there are no other reasons.

How can I avoid a swollen belly and reduce bloating during my period?

When it comes to menstruation and PMS, not everyone is equal. To limit abdominal pain abdominal pain and discomfort during your period week, there are natural remedies and natural methodsthat don't require medication! Relax, meditate, unwind, exercise - these are our top recommendations!

Reduce stress and anxiety

The stress and anxiety play a very important role in your well-being and your body. Stress affects pain management, muscle tension and the digestive system.
How can you reduce stress?

  • Engage in physical activity is good for your mental health
  • Meditate and take time for yourself. Free your mind of worries and concentrate on the present moment and your breathing.
  • Get enough sleep ! Fatigue increases adrenaline levels and therefore stress levels.
  • Laugh ! Release endorphins to reduce anxiety.
  • Socialize ! Find comfort in socializing with people you feel comfortable with. This will help you release oxytocin, the love hormone!

Eat a healthy and varied diet

When it comes to tummy aches and period pains, most women turn to comfort foods and dishes. But this is not the right solution, no matter how tempting! To reduce discomfort during this period, diet can have a positive effect on bloating.
Here are the foods to eat during your period, as a natural treatment to relieve bloating and painful cramps:

  • Eat as much as possible of fibers, which promote intestinal transitThey also reduce water retention, and have a satiating effect!
  • Give preference to soft, cooked vegetables which are easier to digest
  • Don't hesitate to eat vegetable soups
  • Drink plenty of water outside of meals, at least 1.5L a day.
  • Take vegetable charcoal which absorbs gas
  • Consume fennel which will help eliminate gas and make you feel lighter.

Take time to eat and chew your food. This will limit bloating and promote good digestion.

Foods to avoid to prevent bloating and abdominal pain:

  • All fizzy drinks and sparkling water
  • The chewing gums
  • Reduce sugars especially fructose (fruit sugar)
  • Foods that ferment in the intestine such as pulses, cabbage, celery, onions or raw vegetables, which are responsible for flatulence and intestinal gas

Taking care of yourself

When you have a swollen belly and abdominal pain, it's hard to feel good about your body. The ultimate tip for reducing stress and pain and feeling good is to take care of yourself. Taking care of yourself doesn't just mean taking a hot bath now and then. It's essential for your well-being and for feeling good about your body. Taking care of yourself to reduce your aches and pains is a routine.
Easier said than done, so what are our tips for avoiding a rounded stomach during your period?

  • Get some rest when you feel tired or have a drop in energy.
  • Practice abdominal abdominal massage to stimulate blood circulation and aid digestion.
  • Do some lymphatic drainage such as Renata França
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes that won't constrict your abdominal muscles and in which you'll feel comfortable.

If the discomfort is too great during certain phases of the menstrual cycle, consult your doctor, gynecologist or midwife!


When your lower abdomen is swollen during your period, it's a good idea to sport can be a powerful ally in reducing pain pain, limit water retention and improve blood circulation. Sport and physical activity will improve your transitstrengthen your abdominal muscles.
Here are a few exercises that can help you reduce bloating and get a flat stomach during menstruation:

  • Walk regularly and after each meal: 30 minutes of brisk walking every day
  • Stretchingand yoga to reduce muscular tension and stress levels.
  • Breathe through your belly which will naturally massage your intestines and improve bowel transit. Breathing is also a natural treatment for pain, anxiety and many other problems! What's more, you can apply it at any time of day.
  • Work on your abs to boost transit and prevent bloating. Do sheathing exercises oror hypopressive abdominal exercises to stimulate your intestinal wall and facilitate digestion during menstruation.
  • Do twists to "wring out" your intestines and relieve gas during menstruation. This will help your bowel function better.

The FAQ of a swollen belly during menstruation

Does my stomach swell before my period?

Before menstruation, your belly may swell. This is perfectly normal, and is one of the many symptoms of menstruation and PMS. In fact, under the action of hormones, your intestine and all the muscles around your intestinal transit slow down and do less work! This leads to bloating, constipation and discomfort.

How can I reduce stomach swelling during my period?

To avoid or reduce abdominal pain linked to bloating during menstrual bleeding, we recommend a healthy, balanced diet and regular physical activity to reduce stress and anxiety. Above all, don't hesitate to take care of yourself during this period!

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