Lunology: What are the different phases of the moon?

Lunologie : Quelles sont les différentes phases de la lune ?

In many traditions, the Moon is considered sacred. Its influence on the tides and the human organism was quickly noticed by our ancestors. The cycle of our satellite has also been linked to the menstrual cycle, making this changing star a symbol of femininity. To improve their daily lives, some women harness the energies of the different lunar phases , particularly the full Moon. But what is lunology? Let's find out.

Definition: what is Lunology?

Lunology is a branch of astrology that focuses on making the most of the energies released by the Moon during each lunation. In his book Lunology. Comment déployer la magie des cycles lunaires, astrologer Yasmine Boland explains that by living to the rhythm of the eight Moon phases, it's possible to blossom andbe in harmony with your femininity.

The menstrual cycle and the Moon are intimately linked, and using theinfluence of this star to set intentions or carry out certain activities can prove beneficial. At the time of the new Moon, you can formulate wishes and resolutions. Then work with the energies of the following lunar phases to bring them to fruition at full Moon.

Lunology: What are the different lunar phases?

In lunology, it's important to know how the Moon's cycle works , so as to know which day is the most propitious for carrying out a given activity. Each lunation lasts around 29 and a half days and is divided into eight lunar phases.

1. The new Moon

The lunar cycle begins with the New Moonalso known as the "Black Moon". During this phase, our satellite lies between the Sun and the Earth, invisible to the naked eye.

2. The first crescent Moon

Next, the Sun begins to illuminate the visible face of our satellite. The Moon takes the shape of a thin crescent, growing larger by the day. This phase is called the " first crescent Moon ".

3. The first quarter Moon

At the moment of the first quarter Moonthe night star has completed a quarter of its monthly revolution. You can thus admire half of its visible part. It rises around noon and sets around midnight.

4. The waxing gibbous Moon

When almost the entire Moon is visible in the sky , and it's very bright, it's called a Gibbous Moon (i.e. "rounded"). This event occurs between the tenth and fourteenth days of the cycle.

5. Full Moon

The full Moon corresponds to the phase when our satellite is opposite the Sun in relation to the Earth. As a result, its visible side is fully illuminated. It generally rises at sunset and sets around sunrise.

6. The waning Gibbous Moon

The Moon then begins its return journey towards the Sun. It enters its waning phase, also known as the Waning Moonand its illuminated surface will gradually shrink. This is the " waning Gibbous Moon ", which rises later and later each night.

7. The Last Quarter Moon

At the beginning of the third quarter of the Moonour satellite is three-quarters of the way through its revolution. You can now observe the other half of its visible face. It rises around noon and sets around midnight.

8. The last crescent

Finally, the Moon returns to its crescent shape, waning until it disappears completely from the sky. This phase is known as the "Last Crescent Moon", or also as the "Balsamic Moon". Balsamic Moon ". The lunar cycle comes to an end and can begin again with the new Moon.

Lunology by month of the year

Very close to nature, the Amerindians were accustomed to living to the rhythm of the different phases of the Moon, and were already making use of lunology. They gave names to the full Moons occurring during the twelve months of the year, and assigned them characteristics linked to their energy.

January: Wolf Moon

The Wolf Moon or Winter Moon corresponds to the first full Moon of the year. During this period, wolves often prowled around Amerindian campsites. This Moon embodies renewal and encourages people to start af resh and set up new projects.

February: Snow Moon

The Snow Moon or Hunger Moon characterizes the full Moon of February. In the depths of winter, American Indians had difficulty finding food and hunting. This is a time forintrospection,family support and theevacuation of emotional baggage.

Mars: Worm Moon

The full Moon in March is known as the Worm Moon. It heralds the thaw and thearrival of spring, with earthworms rising to the surface. This moon embodies rebirth and renewal. It's also synonymous with good news.

April: Pink Moon

The Pink Moon is the full moon of April. Also known as the Hare Moon, it appears in the night sky when the first pink wildflowers of spring fill the meadows. It symbolizes the growth andblossoming of family, love and friendship relationships.

May: Flower Moon

The full Moon in May is the Flower Moon. This designation refers to thepeak of spring and full bloom. Filled with energy, it brings abundance and prosperity. It's the ideal time to realize intentions or make decisions about your personal or professional life.

June: Rose Moon

The Rose or Strawberry Moon occurs in June. It's a warmer, gentler period, conducive tolove and communion. Stay in touch with your emotions, identify your desires and make every effort to bring them to fruition.

July: Deer Moon

The full Moon illuminating the sky in July is known as the Deer Moon. This name refers to young bucks whose antlers are beginning to develop. It corresponds to the harvest season, and encourages you to reap the fruits of your labor.

August: Sturgeon Moon

The Sturgeon Moon marks the full moon of August. It takes its name from the fish caught during this period by Amerindian tribes living around the Great Lakes. It's associated withabundance and generosity. It's the ideal time to open up to others, but also to new proposals.

September: Harvest Moon

The Harvest Moon corresponds to the full Moon closest to the autumn equinox. It encourages you to take action, review your resolutions and seize opportunities.

October: Hunter's Moon

In October, the American Indians took advantage of the energies of the Hunter's Moon. After completing their harvest, they had a clear view of the fields and could easily hunt in them. During this full Moon, you can begin to take stock of the past year and take time to let off steam.

November: Beaver Moon

The Beaver Moon occurs in November, when this North American rodent begins to organize its hibernation. Temperatures drop and the first frosts make themselves felt. Take the time to prepare for winter by turning to your family and loved ones. Nature is resting, why shouldn't you?

December: Cold Moon

The last full moon of the year was named the Cold Moon by the Amerindians. The cold has set in, weather conditions are difficult and nights are getting longer. This is a time forintrospection and taking a step back. The energies of this moon are particularly suitable for children, so take the time to carry out activities with them and pass on your knowledge.

Lunology FAQ

What is the Blue Moon?

The Blue Moon is an additional full Moon occurring in a year with thirteen full Moons instead of twelve. It is therefore not associated with any particular month.

What is the Red Moon?

The Red Moon or Blood Moon corresponds to a total lunar eclipse during which the night sky turns red.

What is a Super Moon?

A supermoon is a full moon located as close as possible to the Earth. It will therefore seem much larger than usual.

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