Bleeding during pregnancy is not so rare! And with good reason: almost 30% of pregnant women experience some bleeding, especially in early pregnancy. But should we be concerned? What are the causes of this loss of blood, which can quickly make us panic? Elia explains it all!
What causes bleeding during pregnancy?
The reasons why pregnant women may be prone to these symptoms during pregnancy vary enormously, depending on the trimester of pregnancy! In fact, one woman in four is likely to experience a slight hemorrhage at the start of pregnancy. More worryingly, blood loss can be linked to abnormalities.
Minor bleeding in early pregnancy
In early pregnancy, small vaginal bleeding may occur, often following intercourse. As the cervix and uterine wall are more sensitive, sexual intercourse can also cause bleeding. Nidation bleeding can also occur when the fertilized egg implants on the uterine wall (7 to 10 days after fertilization). Nidation bleeding generally occurs when menstruation should have arrived.
Slight bleeding may also occur in the event of trophoblast detachment or decidual hematoma (which later evolves into placenta). Fortunately, in most cases, this outer layer surrounding the embryo's cells resolves itself, and bleeding is not expected to interfere with the pregnancy or cause problems for the fetus. Bleeding may also occur in cases of molar pregnancy (a rare form of pregnancy in which the placenta develops abnormally), or an ectopic pregnancy (when the embryo develops outside the uterus).
Anniversary periods
The anniversary periods are so called because they occur when menstruation should have arrived (if an embryo had not decided to make its nest) .
In the absence of pain, there's no need to be overly alarmed by light bleeding during this period. It's a lovely expression that sounds like a last goodbye before 9 months of peace and quiet!
When should you worry about bleeding during pregnancy?
It's worth remembering that heavy bleeding or bleeding that occurs later in pregnancy is cause for concern.
Heavy bleeding
Any heavy bleeding is cause for alarm! Even if it's not necessarily a sign that there's a problem for the baby, it's best to get to a doctor or gynecological emergency room as soon as possible for a full examination. Abundant blood loss can be the harbinger of miscarriage and loss of the fetus.
Blood loss from the 2nd trimester onwards
Blood loss can occur during the 2nd trimester, particularly if the cervix is very fragile, which is not usually a cause for concern.
In some cases (rare but potentially risky), bleeding may be caused by a change in the cervix.
Another possible cause is a retroplacental hematoma (a mass of blood behind the placenta). The blood is then dark, almost black, and the pain is severe. Although less easy to diagnose, this complication requires an emergency Caesarean section.
Finally, placenta previa can also cause blood loss: the placenta becomes detached when it is abnormally low. Contractions can cause the placenta to detach, resulting in bleeding.
In any case, any pregnant woman who observes bleeding in the second or third trimester of pregnancy must seek urgent medical attention in order to undergo ultrasound and monitoring, so that the situation can be rapidly assessed.
Association with other symptoms
Although small amounts of bleeding in early pregnancy are not in theory alarming, if blood loss is accompanied by abdominal and lower abdominal pain, an emergency consultation is essential to check the baby's condition. They may also be associated with dizziness and faintingThey may also be associated with dizziness and fainting, an accelerated heartbeat and profuse blood loss with the presence of clots .
How to recognize miscarriage bleeding?
Bleeding is characterized by abundant red blood loss, caused by the partial detachment of the placenta. The warning signs of a miscarriage also include hemorrhagic discharge accompanied by clots, cramps and pain in the lower abdomen and/or lower back, and fluid loss,
It's worth noting that half of all women affected by these symptoms at the start of pregnancy will potentially suffer a miscarriage!
Pregnancy bleeding FAQs
Is it normal to bleed after 2 weeks of pregnancy?
Bleeding after two weeks of pregnancy is not abnormal, as it may be nidation bleeding, also known as "anniversary bleeding". They occur at the time when your period should have arrived!
Is bleeding normal after 2 months of pregnancy?
After the second month of pregnancy, vaginal bleeding may occur due to a very fragile cervix or sensitive uterine wall, or after sexual intercourse. If the bleeding is heavy and accompanied by pain, it's essential to consult a doctor.
Is bleeding normal after 4 months of pregnancy?
Bleeding after 4 months of pregnancy is not considered normal, and you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to rule out potential complications.