Diarrhoea and menstruation: what are the causes and solutions?

As menstruation approaches, many women suffer from stomach aches - an estimated 60% of women do. But the symptoms that are least talked about, despite the fact that many women suffer from them, are digestive disorders, including diarrhoea.

Is it normal to have diarrhea during your period?

Yes, an estimated 73% of women have experienced digestive problems digestive problems during their period or during PMS. It's a phenomenon to which many women are prone, even if few talk about it. Diarrhea is often associated with stomachaches, nausea, bloating and chronic fatigue.

Diarrhoea and menstruation: the role of prostaglandins

If many women experience diarrhoea during their period, it's because of prostaglandins: these hormones, secreted by the endometrium at the time of menstruation, have the role of facilitating the expulsion of the endometrium by creating contractions. This is also the source of menstrual pain and cramps.

But prostaglandins, which pass through the bloodstream, also spread outside the uterus and sometimes reach the digestive tract, leading to episodes of diarrhoea.

Our 5 tips for treating diarrhoea during your period!

Although digestive problems during your period, nausea and other premenstrual symptoms are completely normal and nothing to worry about, they're still not very pleasant. Here are a few tips to help you get through this time of the month.

1. Eat a simple diet rich in starchy foods and vegetables

A basic tip for improving intestinal transit, especially during menstruation, is to adapt your diet and eating habits. To limit episodes of diarrhoea, it is highly recommended to give priority to starchy foods such as rice (white or wholegrain) and vegetables.

2. Avoid foods rich in arachidonic or linoleic acid

It's advisable to limit fatty foods in the period before menstruation. Since prostaglandins are responsible for the onset of diarrhoea, it's worth looking at their origin: prostaglandins are made from specific fats: arachidonic acid and linoleic acid. These fatty acids are generally considered to be good for the body. They belong to the omega-6 family.

In fact, these acids play vital roles in the proper functioning of the brain, in the fight against cardiovascular disease and in strengthening the immune system. On the other hand, if consumed in excess before menstruation, they can lead to an overproduction of prostaglandins. Overproduction of prostaglandins can lead to worsening menstrual pain and digestive problems.

3. Keeping active to promote transit

Even though menstruation tends to make you feel more tired than usual, sport is a good way of regulating transit. In fact, when you do sport during your periodWhen you exercise during your period, you speed up blood circulation and therefore muscle oxygenation.

Sport really does help to reduce menstrual pain and menstrual crampswhether in the uterus or the intestines. Of course, the aim is absolutely not to tire you out and make you feel bad: just listen to yourself!

4. Drink vegetable broth for hydration

When you're prone to diarrhea, you need to watch out for dehydration! At this point in your cycle, you lose a lot of water! Remember to stay sufficiently hydrated, i.e. drink enough water. Since it's advisable to eat vegetables during and before your period, you can opt for vegetable soups and broths: they'll keep you hydrated and provide you with the nutrients you need.

5. Use essential oils

The benefits of essential oils essential oils to relieve menstrual pain. But did you know that certain essential oils can also relieve episodes of diarrhea? This is the case for two of them:

  • Ceylon cinnamon essential oil: this oil has anti-infectious properties, making it a powerful remedy for intestinal infections, gastroenteritis and tourista. As soon as you experience the first symptom of diarrhea, take a drop of Ceylon cinnamon essential oil. You can take it on a piece of bread, with a spoonful of honey, etc. The dosage should be taken for 5 to 7 days, up to 4 times a day;
  • The second essential oil of interest for diarrhea is oregano essential oil. This oil has anti-infectious and antibacterial properties, which can help relieve digestive disorders. As for dosage: as for Ceylon cinnamon essential oil, you can take it for 5 to 7 days, up to 4 times a day.

How are diarrhea and endometriosis linked?

Although, as mentioned above, diarrhea is a common phenomenon in women during menstruation, it can also be a symptom of endometriosis.

L'endometriosis is a very common gynaecological disease, affecting one in 10 women. It is characterized by the development of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. This tissue is influenced by hormones during the monthly cycle. The main symptoms of endometriosis are pelvic pain and dyspareunia (pain during intercourse).

But diarrhea can also be a symptom of endometriosis. symptom of endometriosis. In fact, when endometriosis develops in areas such as the intestines, colon or rectum, it can cause digestive disorders, in particular alternating diarrhea and constipation. These symptoms are particularly aggravated during menstruation. Endometriosis can also cause painful bowel movements, and in some cases blood in the stool.

If you are prone to debilitating menstrual pain and often experience digestive problems around or during your period, consult your doctor.

Visit diagnosis of endometriosis is often lengthy, as the symptoms of endometriosis differ from one woman to another. Don't hesitate to talk to your doctor, midwife or gynecologist.

What to do if diarrhoea is chronic with each period?

If your periods automatically result in episodes of diarrhoea, you can use our tips detailed earlier in the article. But if your symptoms persist and make your daily life difficult, consult your doctor: he or she will be able to prescribe a suitable treatment.

FAQs on diarrhoea during menstruation

Can menstruation cause diarrhoea?

It's not uncommon to experience diarrhea during menstruation. This is due to the production of prostaglandins, the hormones that create contractions to evacuate the endometrium.

How can diarrhea during menstruation be treated?

Diarrhea during menstruation can be relieved in a number of ways: by changing your diet, by using essential oils, or by exercising! It's up to you to find out which method suits you best. If premenstrual syndrome persists and is too disabling on a daily basis, consult a specialist.

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